
Parents & Carers

Attendance & punctuality

We expect all our students to have good attendance at school.

This means they should be in at least 96% of the time.

If a student is not at school, then we cannot keep them safe. For this reason we robustly challenge poor attendance in a number of ways:

  1. Parents and carers must report all student absence the first day of absence and each subsequent day of absence. This must be done by telephoning the school on 0161 519 8562. A clear reason for the absence must be provided (i.e reporting that they are unwell is unacceptable) along with an estimation of when they will be returning to school.

  2. Any student absence that is not reported to the school, will be challenged by a telephone call or home visit by a member of staff.

  3. If we are unable to ascertain a reason for the absence, it will be recorded as an unauthorised absence.

  4. Students who have 5% or more unauthorised absences at any point in the school year, may be referred to the local authority with a recommendation of fixed penalty notice or legal prosecution procedures.

Attendance levels for a school year

Descriptor Threshold attendance Actual attendance Whole days Absent Learning hours lost
Excellent 100% 190 days 0 0
99% 188 days 2 10
Good 98% 186 days 4 20
97% 184 days 6 30
96% 182.5 days 7.5 37.5
Cause for concern 95% 180.5 days 9.5 47.5
94% 179 days 11 55
93% 177 days 13 65
92% 175 days 15 85
91% 173 days 17
Unsatisfactory 90% 171 days 19 95
89% 169 days 21 105
88% 167 days 23 115
87% 165 days 25 125
Serious cause for concern 86% 163 days 27 135
Critical 85% 161.5 days 28.5 142.5
84% 159.5 days 30.5 152.5
83% 158 days 32 160
82% 156 days 34 170
81% 154 days 36 180
80% 152 days 38 190

* Figures based on 190 (whole year) expected attendance.

Child at school gates with parent

Punctuality at school

Pupils arriving late to school create a worrying disruption to not only their learning but also the learning of others in their classes.

Missing even just a few minutes of a lesson has a significant impact on everyone, including the teacher in the class, as the lost learning has to be caught up, or the difficulty in understanding that this creates for a pupil can lead to disruptive behaviour. For this reason we have a firm stance on punctuality to school. If school has concerns regarding the punctuality of your child, then you may be asked to attend a meeting to discuss how school can support you in ensuring that your child is in school on time.

The Academy day

Pupils are expected to be in school on time. Once the doors are closed, pupils will need to enter through the office.